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Candidate acquisition team

Candidate acquisition and para consultants are responsible for nurturing candidate relationships throughout their lifecycle. This includes mapping out candidate touch points relating to their position in the doctor training cycle, through to their career as a specialist and then into retirement.



This first response team are trained in providing career, recruitment, regulatory and credentialling advice to candidates who are based locally or applying as an internationally trained candidate.


In some instances, international candidates are unable to be place in their first position. These applicants still receive a high level of care and advice on alternative pathways to finding employment and gaining accreditation. We continue to engage with these candidates until we can onboard them as a locum doctor or place them in permanent career positions.


For niche specialist positions the team are experienced in searching, market mapping and sourcing doctors with unique skills sets.


In conjunction with our experienced marketing team our candidate acquisition and para consultants add additional resources to high demand, short supply and project recruitment requirements.